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Journal 5: The Destiny Question in Macbeth. Fate, Superstition, etc.


The dictionary definition for fate is "the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power". When certain events or circumstances seems out of control, you may blame it on a supernatural force, fate. As humans, we are all curious about our destiny. To determine this, we often use sources such as palm reading, fortune-telling and other future-telling predicaments.

Do you believe some things are fated to happen, no matter what? Or do you believe your actions can change the course of your life? Explain with an example from life.

I believe in fate because of a specific event that happened to me. More specifically, I believe in bachi. Bachi is an asian superstition used to guilt people for poor behavior and actions. Also, another form of fate, I personally believe in is Deja Vu. Last year I sprained my ankle and I blamed it on deja vu because of what I had previously said. Just an hour before this event, I had said how I wish I was injured so I wouldn't have to take dance class that day. However, this came back to me when I got injured and wasn't able to dance for over a week.

If you were having your fortune told, what questions might you ask?

If I were to have my fortune told, I would want to know questions pertaining to my life after high school and adulthood. Here are some examples of questions I would ask a fortune-teller:

1. What college would I attend and how would this impact my adult self?

2. Will I find a balance between being successful and happy in my career and life? Explain.

What about things like astrology, fortune cookies, or Buzzfeed you tend to disregard them as silly or do they hold some truths for you?

Although I want to believe that fortune cookies and zodiac signs aren't true to yourself, I somehow relate to many fortunes or fates. For example, I am a scorpio who is known to be misunderstood yet very aware. I relate to this because I sometimes feel that I get misread. Also, some people aren't aware of how observant I am. So, I know when people are lying to me. However, I don't relate to the mysterious and dark personality of my zodiac sign. Fortune cookies give uplifting and positive messages about one's future. I have a harder time relating to these. I think that the messages on the cookies are too broad for me to relate to.

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